Mass Canoe building

This from Michael Storer recently in the Philippines:

This is a project to replace some of the 50,000 small fishing boats lost In the Philippines from Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. These small boats underpin local communities and families.
This particular project has come from the group for the knowhow and financed by one group of classmates.
The idea is not only to give boats, but to teach the fishermen to build their own.
This particular design is locally drawn up following many of the principles that Phil Bolger and others use for construction. It is called the "Biglang Bangka" or translated "instant Bangka"


  1. Fantastic initiative.

    Is it possible to get a copy of the plans?

  2. It seems to have originated with this forum. You might have to join in to find out about the plans:

  3. Thank You
    I tried but they have the most silly robot protection I've ever seen. I couldn't get past and now I must try again "some time" later !!??

  4. Even though this is "quick and dirty" boatbuilding, notice the nice stem and gunwale fits. Very nice. Everyone must please their eye!


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